Tuesday, March 26, 2013


To Identify Master
I am inside a monastery meditating. You are also sitting with me. Buddha is smiling, wearing golden violet robe.
Golden white cloth wrapped around his neck started moving and gradually floating in the hall and finally came around my neck and settled. My whole body is filling with golden white light. The whole place is flooded with golden light.
Guidance from Master:
Purpose of Life: “Tathast” (Balancing)
How to do it, guide her: she is already guided.
At what level? …………………………..
How old is she? Very very old.
Message to all: Live life in simple way. Be simple by thoughts and habits. Best things come in life in simple form. Live life by heart, not by mind. Physical appearances are our choice and can be affected by health in life. Taking care of physical health is important. Nature is best healer, so be close to nature and silently go in your inner journey.Soul is always pure when it comes to Earth.
 We received blessing in the end. Everything was filled with golden white light. Divine presence felt in the form of energy vibrations.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Past Life Regression Therapy is successful with a wide range of problems
Past life therapy has a wide range of useful applications in the healing process. It is often successful in treating difficult problems that have not been resolved by conventional therapy or medial practice.

Ø Past life as a catalyst for expressing deep emotions:
Ø Medical problems and unusual physical symptoms can be healed with past life therapy
Ø Past life therapy can reveal the source of emotional reactions in this lifetime
Ø Past life therapy can heal recurrent nightmares
Ø Past life therapy is essential to fully experience, express and release
Ø Past life therapy is needed for rescripting negative pattern to a positive one
Ø Essential aspect of healing is forgiveness dialoguing with past life counterpart


Past Life Regression
Past life regression is a regression to previous lives. A person relives and re-experiences own previous life. Dr. Brian Weiss had a young lady patient with many physical issues, fear and anxiety. In trance with his command she regressed to root cause of her present state, and to past lives. With many sessions, she improved in her health and psychological symptoms. His book “Many lives, Many masters” an international best seller, popularized past life regression around the world.
In India, Dr. Tripti Jain conducted a T.V. show-“Raj Pichlay Janam Ka”. This T.V. show made past life regression very popular in India. Now common man understands its procedure and benefits. This therapy is gaining popularity due to its beneficial results.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY (PLRT) is an effective therapy and helps in all quarters of life. Few are…
1.                   Unexplained physical, mental, emotional, relationship issues.
2.                   PLR can help to improve relations/ save  married life, helps to remove disharmony in any type of relationship, makes forgiveness  easy in bitter hurts, one can understand others point of  view, one have better understanding for self.
3.                   When an emotional reaction is too intense for a person, place, group.
4.                   Recurrent nightmare, recurrent dreams, phobias & fears get removed with PLR.
5.                   When a person feels low energy and chronic fatigue
6.                   To remove creative blocks.
7.                   Helps to know your identity and solving sexual problems.
8.                   In Chronic diseases, allergy, recurrent headache, migraine, asthma etc.
9.                   For greater self-esteem.
10.               To bring back past life abilities in your present life and spiritual advancement.
11.               PLR can be fascinating and emotional treat for some.
Is it a safe therapy?
1.        In this therapy no medicine is given and it is no touch therapy.
2.       Past life regression is safe in hands of experienced past life therapist.
What is age regression?
You regress to your present life till birth time. It is useful in:-
1.       Molestation and sexual assault incidence.
2.       Traumatic experiences
3.       Anxiety, Fear and bitterness because of some specific incidence.
4.       Traumatic and lonely childhood / adolescence.
5.       Brought up with alcoholic parents and in broken family.
What is in Womb (antenatal) regression?
1.       It is the nine month time when soul consciousness is in the womb of mother.
2.        Sometimes person regress to this time during regression therapy.
What is LBL (Live between Lives)?
1.       After end of one life soul consciousness goes above in light.
2.       In LBL time soul mates, master’s guidance and planning stage are observed.
What is SRT (Spirit release therapy)?
Dr. William. J. Baldwin introduced SRT. He developed most of the techniques which are used by therapist around the world. 
1.       In SRT discovery and release of attached entity and unwanted spirits from the energy body and the physical body is done.
2.       SRT when required and done properly brings positive changes in life.
When a person is hypnotized he/she is in alpha stage. At this stage suggestions are given for recovery e.g. from emotional, physical, psychological mental issues etc. Common indications for hypnotherapy are:-
1.       Remove stage fright.
2.       Improve self-confidence.
3.       Reduce stress
4.       Management of anger
5.       Overcome examination anxiety
6.       Stammering
7.        Weight reduction
8.       Overcome fear
9.       Nail  biting
10.   Frigidity
11.   Bed wetting
12.   Bushing
13.   Improve cone centration
14.   Gaining weight

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Past Life Regression on Skype
A 28 year old unmarried girl and feeling low, a lot of load and heaviness on chest and gets angry very soon, forgetfulness, not able to cope up with stress, too much insecure for relationship, misses her mother too much.
Father expired when she was 5 years old, mother expired 1 year ago, brother living in another country.
Medical Health: PCOD, acne, knee pain.
Dream and Phobia: snakes in dream and fear of snakes. Visualization of man with horns in dreams when something  bad going to happen.
On scanning on knee gray and blackness- released, black patches in abdomen-released, blackness in heart area, inside the blackness a big hole, mother is sitting there and worried about me. Subject  started  crying  and didn’t want to release her mother. After counseling  for both of them mother blessed her and went up.
It’s a big home. I am wearing a blue floral skirt and playing with my sister in Ireland. Now I am 21 years, married going to attend some function with my husband and son in a vintage car. There is an accident. Both of them died. My sister came and took me to my parent’s home. (She is present life mother). My parents are no more. I am staying here and it feels very lonely (a long description of life).
I am old,  wearing a floral print, sitting on a rocking chair. A snake came and coiled on my feet. I think snake will bite me. I get faint then and there. My sister’s son came and picked me carrying to the hospital. I am in bed in hospital having acute chest pain. I think I am having a heart attack. I am dead. My sister is near me.
Lesson Learnt:
One must have own family.
In LBL- guidance from the master:
Be positive
More love u give same amount you receive
I am moving from the light. Now I am in my mothers’ womb. She eats a lot of sweets and apples. I am being born. My mother is asking doctors whether I am having all the toes or not. She is happy to see me. I am happy.
I am feeling light. I felt tons of weight is lifted from my chest.
I love floral prints and I used to tell my mother that one day I’ll visit Ireland.
I am very fearful in this life that I’ll be alone in life, hopefully release this part.
Snake was really coiled on leg but he wasn’t poisonous.
 I got a heart attack due to fear. After my mom’s death I was behaving differently. I hope my mother will rest in peace now.
Discussion after 1 month:
There is no cry, no anger, not feeling low, no dream of snake, no burden on chest.
I am sleeping good, physically energetic, improved memory; I am engaged, getting married next month. I am confident that I have a happy life ahead.
Past Life Regression is a wonderful Therapy. I thank Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi  to bring so much positive changes in my life.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Hi Everyone!

I am back again, 6 regressions and 8 lives.......... It was not even 1 week after my 5th regression when i started to feel that i wanted to know more................I wanted to know the cause of my most difficult relation and why did it go wrong and why was i being so hated for tolerating 3.5 years of house arrest, humiliation, insult and a life that very few could even imagine.

I had done 6 regressions and i had cleared a lot of my doubts, had reached planning stage that very few would actually reach, the master soul had blessed me in each session but why did i have to choose a person who would plan my death as my life partner ......................what did i do wrong ? Too eager to know i called up Dr.Vandana and fix my appointment for my next session, it was 3 ways away and i just could not wait. While i was continuing to find possible answers i received a text message from Dr.Vandana asking me to contact her.
When i spoke to Dr.Vandana , she asked me to recite a sentence that would help me during my regression and also she asked me to meditate, now this was indicating something different from the rest of my sessions, i realized it is going to be a difficult session perhaps.
On day of my appointment i reached the clinic at 1 pm , my usual timing and we started to discuss my state of mind and why i wanted to undergo the session and then i was asked to meditate .....It was there that Dr.Vandana told me that i was asked to meditate and recite those wording as there was so much eagerness, anxiety in my voice during the telephonic conversation that she had felt i needed to do a little homework in order to be able to regress easily.
The best thing i have experienced with Dr.Vandana is that she reads your mind and she exactly knows where you need to go and what you need to know.
While meditating i was taken to a state of trans and hence the regression started ,where i was in a garden and was supposed to meet someone, it was my present partner , he came and he was holding my hand so tight that i started to feel the pain , he was to go away and he wanted me to wait, he did not want to let go at this point Dr.Vandana started a healing work and with help of divine light she healed the session and freed my hand from him and asked me to move on .............I reached a tunnel of white light and before Dr.Vandana could asked me to enter the tunnel i had reached the end of it so She asked me to start looking around and regressing to where i would get my answers for this session.................. I was a man about 38years of age  , very well dressed who smoked ......Very clearly knew that I was in London , i kept on looking at my pocket watch as i had an appointment at 2 pm with someone .............A very important appointment....the guy did not turn up which was making me very nervous & helpless, i started to feel a pain in my left arm and heart area to which i knew that i was having heart problem.... at this point Dr.Vandana asked me to go to the next event and i saw that i was home , a domestic help served me with a cup of tea in an English style ....I was waiting and i knew the person i was waiting for was my wife, the waiting was keeping me upset and grieving.
The next scene was at supper, where my wife and my 8 years old daughter were at the table, my wife was saying supper prayers and my daughter and I were playing a little game, winking at each other and being just playful............. It took me a while to move from this scene and next scene was something i resisted to reach at , i was hugging my wife but i knew she did not love me, at this point i started crying and i said i love her so much and she does not love me and then i saw who she loved , my present life partner who was watching us and enjoying my misery and helplessness........The worst was he did not even love my wife but she knew nothing about it, she did not know that he was just using her.
At this time Dr.Vandana asked me to find out why did he want to hurt me and when i regressed to earlier time in my life i saw that we were all playing soccer , i was very good at games, sports , studies and was the most favourite of all teachers, neighbourhood and he was a neglected child from a broken family who was not even good looking and had inferiority complex ....He hated me as i was too popular, next scene was that i had graduated from College and i was getting engaged to the most amazing girl in my community and we loved each other immensely .............Dr.Vandana asked me if this person was attending my wedding, i saw that he was not invited and was not in church however he was watching from outside. We were a happy couple and we were soon blessed with a baby girl.
Next i saw was that i was to leave for an assignment which prolonged to about a year , at this time Dr.Vandana asked me to see how my wife met the guy..........It was during a neighbourhood get together or some kind of festival where they met and next they met for an evening tea at my place and at this moment i started crying again as he was holding my wife’s hand.............I cried a lot and then Dr.Vandana asked me to move to the next important event, which was the night i came back from work and i saw my wife and the guy in my bedroom.............I started sobbing, left the house, walking aimlessly on roads, felt broken , cheated and shattered............after 2-3 days i came back home. At this point Dr.Vandana asked me what that appointment all about was. The first scene when my regression started.
That meeting was about hiring someone to kill both my wife and her lover and when the guy did not turn up i felt that all my plans would fail ..............Dr.Vandana asked me what happened next, you went home and were having dinner to which i answered that i never had dinner that night, i was just sitting at the table. She asked me what happened after that and i was refusing to answer , it took me a long time to talk and when i talked i revealed that i had killed my wife, with a knife, i slit her throat. She asked me did you run away after that i said no, i hid somewhere to see what happens next and as anticipated the lover had come, he was sitting by her side and shocked............and i kept on saying he is not having any feeling, he is not upset, he is not sad, he is just shocked, he never loved my wife. Next was that the domestic saw him with my wife’s dead body and eventually he was taken to a place which looked like prison and later i read from newspaper that he was charged guilty which gave me immense satisfaction and happiness....It felt like a bonus as i had not planned it but then he was punished. At this time Dr.Vandana asked me if i was feeling guilty and i said no, i had given her enough chances.............
Dr.Vandana asked me to see how he was feeling so i saw him in jail, where he was sitting with his lifeless eyes, the same calculative mind, with absolutely no emotions or feelings however i knew he wanted revenge and he was just waiting for the right time..................I saw the same person for the second time in my regressions and each time he had the same eyes, emotionless....lifeless!!! Complex and EVIL.
What  happened next was that my daughter grew up and i fell more sick as time went by , she had become a nurse ..............I died in d hospital from illness related to heart and lungs A doctor, 2 nurses and my daughter were present.
I was asked by doctor to see what happened to my body and i was very upset to know that my daughter had donated my body for research to a hospital , i died in 1940 and my daughter who was a nurse in India had donated my body to a medical school and i was buried after 1-2 months ..........I was very upset that without my consent my body was donated .............I was buried like an unknown person with no stone in some unknown place within the hospital...................then i stated that since in India they don’t burry the body, they did not know how to do it.
After my death Dr.Vandana asked me to go and seek forgiveness from the guy , I went to him in jail and met him, forgave him and also explained him that i was hurt and it was him who started to hurt me etc., it took me a lot of time and eventually we hugged and forgave each other , for the first time whether in regression or in real life i saw life in his eyes and we smiled and parted ways then i left to join the divine light, i saw my soul mates and also the master soul, this time i was a greyish light not too bright so Dr.Vandana healed me with divine light and then the master soul blessed me too and i asked him about my soul mate again and he reassured me that i would be with my soul mate in present life. I did not ask anything this time from my soul mate as i knew he was busy finishing an un finished work so that we could be together.
I rested in white light and received blessings ....................Dr.Vandana asked me to forgive my wife and my partner “s friend from real life who had helped my partner to plan my death but i was too tired and i told her that it was not required as that is what the master soul had indicated.
It is so strange how we keep carrying impressions and how we plan to pay for our deeds ....I feel blessed to have been able to experience 8 lives...........Maybe this is one of the reasons i kept coming back to India despite all that i went through here.

Thank you Dr.Vandana

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Past life regression …single session…she experienced two lives in single session….

Life as ….Dr. Christopher Ben:
I was a tall man, wearing brown coat and brown horseriding trousers, i was waiting for a woman  in a beautiful garden. She was a girl i loved, from the middle east, we talked and held hand and she promised that she would be back, but something deep inside told me i am not gonna see her again.
I was in USA, from a very well to do family, I was a doctor , very learned but later i realized i was a Doctor in Law. I lived in a beautiful mansion type home , it was white with long pillars...I somehow always liked such houses even in my present life. We had horses, and many people who helped us to take care of our property.

At home i saw my mother whom till date i have not recognized, two children ..........I knew these children were of my brother and his wife who lived in the same house. After that i cld not see anything for a while and then i saw a supper scene where no one wld talk to each other at supper and later i was in my room , lying on bed and waiting for the next day.
When moved to next day, i realized it was my wedding day , i was getting ready and waiting for my bride, who never turned up and instead police was looking for me, with the help of my brother i ran away from there and was hiding in a place which was like a vacation place or farm house for 3-4 months and later i went and surrundered to police. I was jailed .................when i was asked to go back and see the cause of my imprisonment i saw that teh girl i loved was boarding her ship to go to her home in middle east and her cousin who loved her , he had an argument about me with her, and he killed her and threw her in the sea, after the body was discovered , it was thought that i killed her. I was a docterate in Law and yet could not save myself and defend myself .
Next scene was near my death, i was taken to be hanged but i was no more afraid....My regret was that how come i could not save myself, when the rope was put around my neck, i told them that my last wish was that i would kick the stool myself and no one shld help me .........suddenly i was happy and smiling , Dr.Vandana asked me why are you smiling and i replied because i did not die of hanging, I died of a heart attack so it means God too knew i was innocent and did not let me die by hanging, i was so happy as my soul consious ness was now aware of me being innocent and was carrying no guilt. When i died i was burried and my grave stone read “ Dr.Christopher Ben” 19....-19.... which meant i died at the age of 38 .
After my death i moved up, i was a pure white light and moved up fast, saw all my soulmates again and  i had learnt that life is just, no matter what happens God knows everything and he will do Justice. The master soul blessed me and then i knew i had to go back, I did not rest much and i moved to another life...................
This time i was in Canada:

I was a well dressed and educated man and loved my family, suddenly i saw a scene that there were Riots happening and i picked up both my kids, my son and daughter and was asking my wife to harry up as the villages was being attacked and they were killing people, my wife asked me to take the kids and leave and she would join me , she was supposed to come with the neighbours. I reached the main road and got into a cart/car with my son and daughter but the looks on the man driving that car/cart was very uncomfortable and i was just praying that he drops off to a safe place and has no wrong intentions.
After this i saw a scene were i was sad, When i asked to find the cause i realized that it was because i had lost my wife, she never came that day.
I was now living with my children and we were in USA, Dr.Vandana asked if i ever had any other woman in life and i replied no, i loved my wife. I was a very well dressed man , a very successful and respected business man yet very sad and aloof. Very lonely!
Next i saw was my death scene , i had died a very calm death, i knew it was time for me to go, so i had dressed in my best gray suit, wore my hat and even shoes and lay down in my bed and i was gone. There was a huge gathering at the church , my children and their  families were there too, my daughter had come from some place far away.
After i moved up, i was a pure white light, i moved up and i saw my wife, she was my soulmate, waiting for me, we joined each other and master soul blessed us and my soulmate assured me that we would be together in the next life.
It was such a blissful feeling ......................Now i knew why i was so scared of moving to Canada, as i had lost a soul mate in that land.

Monday, March 4, 2013


My LBL Experiences:
I would like to share the LBL session experiences i have so far had as i felt this amazing peace and wisdom that gets transferred in each LBL. The blessings leaves a deep impression on the soul and it feels like a confirmation of the path chosen by the soul.
I have gone through many regression sessions and have been fortunate enough to experience and enjoy the LBL session after each regression.
In my first life i had been through child abuse and also had a relation with a lover who left me and never came back, i  had learnt that men r not trustworthy and maybe that was the answer to my failed relationships and the fact i had a difficulty trusting men. In this session when i went to the white light i saw the master soul and my soulmates, when i asked would i ever have a soulmate i got a reassurance from the master soul , he indicated me that i had to wait for another 6 months as this was not the right time and i was given blessings and was allowed to stay in the white light til i am refreshed and rested. He also showed me the soulmate, he was there standing and waiting , i got a feeling that he already knew me and he knew one day we would be together.The peace and serenity that one feels after the blessings not only reflects on day to day activity but also on the face. One feels detached !
The next LBL session was after my second life, when i ended my life at the age of 17 by cutting my nerve.... when my soul departed after ensuring that the body was taken care of i was not a bright light like my first session, i saw my soul as a grey powder which was very disturbing, once i reached the white light , master soul was there waiting but furious, i asked him why did i have to suffer in all 4 lives i had seen, why did i always end up being deserted by parents and lover and why was i to suffer but the answer was horrifying , the Master soul was furious, he gave a glance and turned his back as a punishment, i was only allowed to rest there in the white light but he refused to talk to me.
I rested there for 7 years before my next life and felt pured, i transformed and became one with the white light , i experienced the anger of Master soul indicating that suicide was not acceptable by the universal laws and i had to fight my problems. While resting in white light, i experienced immense peace and a feeling that i had a life purpose, higher than i had thought and i should find out what that is. I had learnt that “PEACE COMES FROM FORGIVENESS”.
My 3rd LBL session was after i had departed a very difficult life both physically and emotionally, when i reached the white light i again experienced the master soul and the soul mates presence, i had a very typical question in mind and i asked the master soul however this time too he was not happy with my question , i got an impression that when you know the answer why are you trying to fool yourself and why are you wasting my time, he turned away without blessings and i tried to reach out to my soul mates and ask questions however their message too was that i should look within me for answers and i would find all my answers. At this point i could recognize one of my soul mates and it was Steve Jobs. The soul mate i was supposed to meet in this life was waiting again and giving me a sarcastic smile indicating that I was the reason for my own confused state of mind. I joined the white light after that and healed my injuries from the life i had lived. Felt peace and a sense of wisdom and i had learnt that one should never do unjust to anyone. What i have seen that Soul is always very concerned about the body after it leaves the body, it never departs unless the body is taken care of and also how the body is handled leaves an impression on the soul. After each journey soul exactly knows where it has gone wrong but it is important for the soul to be able to carry all lessons from each life and apply them in the current life. That is how the soul would start being on higher journey, or at least this is my understanding so far.
4th LBL session:
In my fourth life i was a doctorate in law and still could not prove my innocence when i was being accused of killing my fiancé. I was imprisoned and sentenced to death, the day of my death when i was to be hanged i had the courage to walk till the hanging place on my own feet and also i put the rope in my neck with my own hands and kicked the stool to be hanged however after i died and reached the white light i realized i was a pure soul and i learnt and got the impression that i had actually died of a heart attack and before i was really pulled so i felt this immense peace that though the life i lived was so unjust but there is always justice in life and lesson was that “LIFE IS FAIR even if we do not recognize it then“, the fact that i died a natural death and not by hanging was a blessing in itself , at this point the master soul gave me his blessings and an impression that i was a good soul and he knew that it was not my fault. I also learnt that one needs to speak for what is right and should have the courage and ability to prove his righteousness and seek justice .This LBL was very peaceful and i was the pure golden white light and i asked the master light about my purpose , he should me that i would know it by May 2012. A great sense of satisfaction and blessings showered upon me . It was an amazing experience .
5th LBL session:
I had reached the white light after my death at an old age, natural death and a life of respect, however i had lost my wife and had lived alone after that. When i reached the white light my wife who also happened to be my soulmate was waiting there , we embraced each other and were together feeling blessed when my wife indicated that i should take blessings of teh master soul and go back to earth, all my soulmates and master soul nodded on the advise and after i was showered by the blessings of teh master soul , she reassured me that she would join me soon and i left the white light. I had so far recognized to soul mates till this session, my younger brother who has always been either my child or my younger brother and Steve Jobs.
I also regressed slightly to future , i wanted to know when would i come out of this troubles and when would i actually be ready for my purpose? It was then that may 2012 was indicated and i saw a red demarcation and the fact that very little was left for me to cross that line and the other side was beautiful, respect, recognition, purpose and peace was awaiting me ....I loved the feeling and it still is so fresh in my mind.
6th LBL session:
I had died after living a female life who abandoned by her lover again yet very contented, After i reached the white light i knew i am to rest there for 10 years , i could see any soul mates and there they were again , all of them , reading writing and lost in their scholar word again......i saw the same soul mate again , who was younger and had conveyed to me that no matter where i go i would be re united with him again, i asked him a question that what are you writing and he showed me his book , it was written “ u wld be mine”, then he held my hand and tried to push me towards himself so that i could join him, I asked him that how would i know him and he replied he would push me on his own and it felt as if the time to meet him was very close now.
 i could see the master and yes he was there right behind me , waiting lovingly for my conversation to finish and i turned around and asked him that i know i am here for a purpose and i know i am very close to that purpose , when is it ? when is the time and he gave me a very clear date .After that he surrounded me and gave me blessings, initially we both were of same colour and material, silverfish but after the master soul embraced me and patted me on forehead with his blessings we both became translucent , so pure i was , crystal clear and i stayed in that state of abundance blessing to my full.... contented, blessed and light...........IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL FEELING !I had recognized my soul mate but i was in denial .he was my best friend “ The lesson i learnt was that one needs to be responsible for his own actions and be contented “
7th LBL experience:
I had died a beautiful respectful death ,however i felt before departing i had an unfinished job, i wanted to forgive my dad and seek forgiveness which i did however i wanted to make him aware that he needs to be a responsible soul, he cant carry on leaving his children life after life so i spoke to him, made him understand and then forgave him and also asked for his forgiveness and it is only after i finished this responsibility i could go to rest , this time too i saw the master soul, smiling at me , he gave me his blessings and i asked him about my purpose again, and when would i be finally with my soul mate, he gave me the date and also helped me progress to future and i saw a beautiful scene  however would not be able to share the same on this platform.I had a beautiful experience and the lesson i learnt was “ Sometimes the best decisions are not necessarily the right ones and while taking a decision one should always involve both heart and mind and not always practical decisions are the best ones for our soul journey”.
8th LBL session:
I had lived a life with no regrets ,had loved immensely , had given chances and then taken justice in my hands. After my death i wanted to go and seek forgiveness  , it is amazing how the soul experiences, interprets and carries different impressions .i went back to forgive and seek forgiveness for the first time whether in regression or in real life i saw life in that specific individual’s eyes and we smiled and parted ways then i left to join the divine light, i saw my soul mates and also the master soul, this time i was a greyish light not too bright so wanted to be healed with divine light and then the master soul blessed me too and i asked him about my soul mate again and he reassured me that i wld be with my soulmate in present life. I did not ask anything this time from my soul mate as i knew he was busy finishing an un finished work so that we cld be together.
I rested in white light and received blessings .I was too tired this time and wanted to rest as it was what the master soul had indicated.It is so strange how we keep carrying impressions and how we plan to pay for our deeds ....I feel blessed to have been able to experience 8 lives...........Maybe this is one of the reasons i kept coming back to India despite all that i went through here.
“My lesson from life was NEVER LOVE SO IMMENSLY that would hurt you to let go “