Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Past life regression therapist @World

We might realize that we are generally more giving & forgiving when there’s a smile on our face, or that we are more likely to laugh off small annoyances & the actions of others when they don’t resonate with our light mood.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Past life Regression....

When we decide that we no longer want to be bitter, we are reborn into a world filled with delight and fulfillment unlike any we knew while in the clutches of bitterness. The veil it cast over our lives is lifted, letting light and warmth touch our souls. ...#happysoul

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pat life regression therapist, New Delhi...09872880634

Dwelling on the past may actually recreate a situation in our lives where we are forced to make the choice again & again. We can choose to move on right now by  taking past life regression session..

Friday, October 9, 2015

Past life regression therapist ..grater kailash, Delhi...09872880634

Read somewhere, like to share....
The route you need to travel may not always be clear; you may feel inspired to change yet be unsure as to why or how. Clarity may come in the form of a question if you are willing to seriously ask yourself where your soul is trying to take you.