Thursday, December 27, 2018

Past life case study

Past life case study.

A 34 years woman came to know the reasons for not being able to leave her boyfriend, with whom relationship for last ten years did not materialize in to wedlock. She is presently engaged for last one year but resists fixing date of marriage and experiences frequent unexplained chest pain.


I am in a beautiful palatial home.  A beautiful girl is painting, she is my sister. This is English culture. I am a handsome 6 ft 2 inch tall 24 years old Royal boy. Servants are standing in line with bowed heads waiting for command.

I am going in a Chariot and reach a beautiful house. A little girl comes out and hugs my legs. A beautiful woman is coming towards me. We are having food. Now the woman is fighting and throwing things. Little girl called me Dad. The woman is my love but I cannot marry her because of my royalty.  The little girl is my daughter. My love is pregnant. She wants me to marry her but I am afraid of losing everything. This house is very far away from my palace. She is very much nagging now and crying. Daughter is also crying. I cut the discussion short and leave for my palace.

This time I came after months as now she is giving birth to my baby. A baby boy is given to me. I am very happy. I told her that I will marry her no matter what. After staying for few days I returned back to my palace. My father is very sick and mother is crying. My mother is dressed up as a queen. My father passes away.

After a month I brought my woman, daughter and son to palace. We went to meet my mother. I told my mother these are my kids and I will marry her. My mother said she is not a royal and spoke other mean things. But I am not able to do anything. We left the palace for her house and started living there.
She is telling me that she will never leave me and find me in every life because our love is much stronger than anything. One day minister with guards came to take me. They asked me to go with them otherwise they will use force. I told her I will come back. The guards took me somewhere else far away from the place. I am always guarded. After some time I am shifted to the palace. Queen got me married but I did not touch my wife.

The Queen died. I go back to my woman’s house and enter inside looking for her. My daughter is grown up and son is still young. He is looking at me. I m searching for her and my daughter told me she is dead. I am crying. My daughter is not ready to come with me. I am back in the palace. I lost interest in all things. I am 73 old and weak. I am lying on bed surrounded by people.  Death came easily in the afternoon. My last thought was that I am going to be with her. It was a lonely life for me. Lesson learnt is that Love is everything I need. My burial is with royalty. It’s Portugal 1857. The name written on tomb stone is Sir Henry.

In light, severe pain in heart is felt as if a deep sadness is released. A lot of guidance given by Masters and Guru.

Reorientation…..I understood my confusion about mine two relationships because one was my love and other was my wife in past life. My daughter is my present life Aunt who gives me a lot of stress. I feel unexplained tendency of severe chest pain on and off is released today. Thank you very much Doctor Vandana for helping me find answers. It will help me to take decision now. The woman whom I loved is my boyfriend in my present life. The woman who was my wife and neglected whole life is my present life fiancĂ©.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Past Life Regression Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions

Past Life Regression Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions

Q        Whether Past Life Regression Therapy is safe?
A        Yes! PLR carried out under supervision/guidance of an experienced therapist is absolutely safe.

Q        Will I get stuck in my past life?
A         No! One gets stuck in past life only when in trance.
Q         How Past Life Regression helps me in my present life?
A      Turmoil of current life has its roots in our past lives. Re-experiencing and Re-living helps release carry over.

Q         Does PLR require any sort of injection/medication?
A         No! Past life regression is No medicine No touch therapy.

Q         Does one lose control over self in Hypnosis?
A         No! One is in control of body and mind in Hypnotic State.

Q         Does Past Life Regression have any side effect?
A        PLR is a technique to put client in deep relaxed trance state and regress to past lives. PLR is not carried out on patients with cardiac stunt, renal failure and transplant surgery.

Q         Whether PLR useful and safe in children?
A           Yes! It is safe and very effective in all type of Phobias affecting children

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Guilt is a destructive emotion we carry

Guilt is a destructive false impression we carry.....
Do not live with GUILT....

Usually an emotion affects individuals differently; however origin of Guilt usually has similar cause and almost similar effects for all individuals.  Studies and research on the subject clearly indicate that we carry two types of Guilt, one that is result of our conscious wrong decisions and the second is the guilt we carry usually as a result of our very thoughtful, calculative measure called "Practical decisions". As a result of the type of decision taken, we end up either going wrong in our own life or hurting our near and dear ones. But sometime one carries a deep feeling of guilt, without doing anything consciously or unconsciously...

It does not matter what the origin of Guilt is, guilt is a destructive emotion that ruins relationships, results in depression and even destroys lives especially of the Individuals suffering from it.

It interesting to know that irrespective of the cause of its origin, it is always either result of Self Victimization ( in case of known wrong decisions) or it would result in self victimization ( In case of strong practical decisions).....The feeling of self denial when you are not even aware of any cause...

Let us understand type of guilt and its relation with Self Victimization. When Guilt is the result of a conscious wrong decision, we end up becoming a victim in the eyes of the people around and start justifying our wrong decisions explaining how much helpless we were and out of choice to take such decision and end up where we are today. These decisions are those that we take despite our inner self is continuously advising against either by way of different type of feelings, or some obvious signs such as negative vibes. Somehow somewhere deep inside we know we are going wrong but the temptation is so much that we suppress the inner voice, we ignore other's advice and behave as if never saw any sign and go ahead and take that tingling wrong decision.

In such cases Self victimization starts after Guilt and we initially do it just to justify ourselves in front of people not realizing the mind is such that once it masters any task it keeps producing the same thing over and over again, and of course the universe comes to its help to ensure we sympathize more, we feel guilt more which would result in more justification and more self pity and eventually we start believing we were a victim of circumstances and the vicious circle never stops.

You must realize guilt is a fake impression that we carry to justify the known wrong decision just to escape judgments which eventually becomes a strong belief and the Soul carries it till we learn the lesson of taking responsibility of our actions, till we learn to listen to our inner voice, till we have true faith.

There is another scenario when we carry guilt of having created painful circumstances for our near and dear ones because of a very practical decision taken at a point of time in a particular situation. We carry guilt because of our ignorance.  In this case guilt happens because of too much attachment, our sight limited to the physical world and unaware of the fact that every Soul has its own plan. Nothing happens without reason. The decision was taken with good intention for the betterment of all to the best of our capability however it did not turn out to be as we planned. Every other person has a different plan and has to go through certain situations for learning lessons. We fail to understand that the decision taken was as per our limited knowledge and in line with our own journey. We cannot live the life of others as we do not know what their journey is all about and why did they chose to be in a situation where something had to go wrong. Here again as you see, guilt is a false emotion, it happens due to lack of knowledge and too much attachment.

But in a case when one even does not know why he/she is feeling this ...the life of person is very difficult...

Get it released with age regression, past life regression...The sooner the better....

Contact Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Find Soul Mate in Past life regression session...

Find Soul Mate in Past life regression session...

It is said that even before we were born, the name of our spiritual second half has been determined. Each soul has a...Soul mate.  Our true spiritual soul mate is the person who is intended to help us “complete ourselves.”

Jerry McGuire was right – soul mates complete each other. A person is unable to complete his/her mission in life alone. Everyone needs someone to assist/help them become a better person. This is not always a blissful experience.

Ours being in honest, sincere, and committed soul mate relationships help us to become a better version of ourselves. One has to push oneself beyond one’s comfort zone and limits to find one’s better self.

Even though we tend to think of soul mates as a symbiotic union; soul mate relationships can be rough at the beginning. They can be like two jagged edge puzzle pieces trying to click into place. Sometimes it looks like one does not fit together at all, but soon after a little bit of twisting, turning, and flipping the pieces around, one feels the moment of the perfect click. It is a feeling deep inside one’s soul that says this is the right one.

Often soul mates appear in disguise. One might not be physically attracted to the other when one first meets, but there is a mysterious force pushing one forward that tells this is “the right one” for you.

You know you have found your soul mate when:
1. You just know it.
Something deep inside tells you. It is, as if there is a spiritual force pushing you to let go of everything you previously expected and to give of yourself completely.
2. You have crossed paths before.
Soul mates have met each other a previous time. You may not have connected, but you were in the same place, at the same time yet you never met until the time was right.
3. Your souls meet at the right time.
Each person has to be ready to receive the soul connection. You have to be prepared to meet your soul mate.  When it comes to soul mates- timing is everything.
4. Your quiet space is a peaceful place.
Being quiet together is comforting like a fluffy blanket on a cold winter night. Whether you are reading in the same room, or driving in the car, there is a quiet peace between you.
5. You can hear the other person’s silent thoughts.
With soul mates, there is such depth to your relationship that you can feel and hear what your partner is thinking, even if it is not verbally expressed.
6. You feel each other’s pain.
You stand in each other’s shoes. You know each other so well, that the second he/she walks in, you can tell how his/her day was. You feel each other’s feelings: sadness, worry, and stress. And you share each other’s happiness and joy.
 7. You know each other’s flaws and the benefits in them.
Yes, it is true. Our flaws have benefits. Every trait has a positive as well as a negative side. It is the task of each person to always look for the good, even when things don’t look so good. There is usually a benefit to each flaw.
8.  You share the same life goals.
You are both on the same page with values, ethics, and goals. You may have a different way of reaching those goals, but you both want the same end result.
9. You are not afraid of having a conversation.
Conversations can be challenging. Expressing concerns or attempting to make decisions is uncomfortable. Soul mates know that if they join together, they will be able to work it out.
10. You are not threatened by the need for alone time.
You respect each other’s need for independence, knowing that when you get together, your time alone is special.
11. You don’t experience jealousy.
You are secure knowing that you are the only one.
12. You respect each other’s differences and opinions.
 Often soul mates are polar opposite. At times this is challenging. These are the times when you are being forced to let the other person complete you. You still have your own opinion, but instead of agreeing to disagree, there is a deep level of respect for each other. You listen and honor the differences.
13. You don’t scream, curse, or threaten each other with divorce.
Of course you feel the anger. People unintentionally hurt each other. But soul mates are not nasty, hurtful, or punitive.
14. You give in because you want to make your partner happy.
Giving can often occur in unhealthy, co-dependent, or abusive relationships but soul mates give to each other for the sole purpose of making each other happy.
15. You know how to apologize.
It is not easy to say “I am sorry” or admit that you did something that hurt the person you love. Soul mates realize that their actions or words cause harm. Even if they feel justified in their point of view, if their partner was hurt by it, they can easily apologize for the harm they have caused.
16. You would marry each other again.
You know this is the one and only one for you. Even through the tough times, you would choose your partner again. You feel a sense of pride in your partner.
17. You complete each other.
No person is perfect. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Soul mates complete each other. It is the yin and yang of perfect harmony. One person may be the extrovert, while one is the introvert. One may be social, while the other a homebody. Soul mates are often opposite that are attracted to a person who has their missing pieces.
18.  You being in each other’s arms washes away all your stress, worries, and anxiety.
There is no place you would rather be at the end of the day but in each other’s arms. If one had a rough day full of disagreements, a fight or missing the train, whatever happened is gone the second one cuddles up together. There is warmth in the heart and an inner peace one can feel. No words need to be spoken. All that exists is the silent, blissful union of two souls meant to be together eternally.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

If you think...Why this happens to me ????...Read the answer...

If you think...Why this happens to me ????...Read the answer...

I am asked this question all the time: “Why am I attracted to people who are wrong for me?” And the answer is quite simple, actually: because it is your wounded self that is doing the attracting.

Now, I know the term “wounded self” can sound a little intense, so let me explain. We all have two selves: the “little self” (or the wounded self, the ego) & the “Spiritual Self” (the higher self, adult self, or soul).

The wounded self is the part of you that feels incomplete. It questions your worth & value; it doesn’t feel whole, or it feels flawed in some way. My wounded self is the “little me” who wonders if I’m truly lovable.

On the other hand, we also have a Spiritual Self. This is your higher self, your soul. It’s the part of you that is connected to love, truth, wisdom & peace within. Your Spiritual Self knows, without a doubt, how lovable & valuable you are. In many ways, it’s the opposite of the ego.

At any given time, we are operating from one of these two selves. Many of us, unfortunately, operate from the viewpoint of the ego most of the time. That is, we believe we’re insignificant & powerless in some way, & we’re trying to make up for this lack.

The ego looks for things on the outside to find validation & completion. It believes once it gets more (money, a better partner, a better job, a better house, more vacations, etc…) it will finally be happy.

But … it is never happy. Not for long, anyway. Because the ego’s very nature is to feel incomplete. Therefore when you live through the perspective of your ego, you are destined to feel like something is missing. Life through this lens is not fun.

The ego gets highly activated when it comes to romantic relationships, because relationships are where we hold the most wounds.

We have all felt disappointed or hurt by a relationship in the past; we carry the memory of this wound into adulthood (sometimes unconsciously). If a wound from childhood is still active within you, you will attract people who are going to highlight the same feeling. For example, if your wounding is centered around the feeling of rejected or unseen, it is likely that you will feel similar way in your relationships as an adult.

Your unconscious is programmed to attract people who activate your wounds. The reason for this is so you will grow.

This is a frustrating part of the growth process! But think of it this way: You are replaying your wounds so you can finally heal them. We cannot heal anything we don’t feel or see; we can’t heal things that are unconscious! The uncomfortable feeling has to come to the surface for you to grow beyond it.

And how do you grow beyond it? - By identifying with your higher self.

Remember, your higher self is the part of you that knows the truth about you. It knows that you are worthy, amazing, capable & powerful. Through the lens of the higher self, you are whole. Yes, you are an imperfect human with flaws; but the larger truth is: you are a soul.
You are beautiful.
You are important.
You are special.
You are love.

This is what the higher self knows about you — & it wants you to know it, too.
By identifying with your higher self (the love within you), your compulsion to play out wounds with other people dissipates & in some cases, disappears.

When you wake up to the higher self’s truth, you suddenly realize that the “wrong” people were just teachers to nudge you into the “right” state-of-mind; a state-of-mind that does not question your value or worth. Unfortunately, nothing inspires us to grow more than a broken heart.

Your higher self wants you to identify with it; it wants you to own who you really are. Reclaim the love within you, and you will heal your relationships from the inside-out.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Past life regression therapy helps one to understand one’s karmic debts... Contact Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi, m-9872880634, in Chandigarh for a detailed session

Past life regression therapy helps one to understand one’s karmic debts...
Contact Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi, m-9872880634, in Chandigarh for a detailed session

The relationship that drives people crazy with anger & frustration are carried over from a past life. These are the people who really get under your skin & exasperate you endlessly. Very often, these karmic relationships are with people in your immediate family.

Karmic relationships mean that you have had prior lifetimes with this person. You both were sent back to be together to work things out peacefully. This was your soul’s choice, although it was probably pushed upon you by your guides & angels who helped you script much of your life.

Usually a karmic relationship is someone with whom you battled or experienced harsh circumstances. You both returned together in this lifetime to ensure that you sort things out and clear your energies. If you fail to clear the energies in this lifetime, you will be pressured to continue to incarnate with this soul again & again & again.

And each lifetime, his/her relationship to you will continue to be close, either through genetics & familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. So, that annoying co-worker could be your father/ mother/ brother/ sister/ husband/ friend etc next lifetime unless you clear the energy with him/her in this one.

You are brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him/her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions but it means detoxifying your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic & unhealthy.

It is also a waste of time & energy to blame that person for family dramas & your own upsets. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows & ego issues, & we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him/her doesn’t help the situation & doesn’t balance the karma between you two.

Breaking the Karmic Cycle

The first step to break Karmic cycle is to take responsibility for its presence in life. Your soul agreed to be with this person for spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time.

Forgive yourself for entering this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifetime. You probably were warned by your angels then but you chose to ignore. Forgive yourself for ignoring and commit to listen from now on. Life lessons only count if we learn from them.

This person’s behavior infuriates you but this is how this individual’s personality works and has always worked. You were the one who chose to be in a relationship with him/her long, long ago. You were the one who decided that all the warnings that your angels sent you didn’t matter. You were the one who decided that you could change or fix the person.

Now it is time to let go of your fantasy that this person can be as you desire or dream him/her to be. You are neither that person’s source nor the author of his/her life scripts.

Karmic relationships are akin to having a tug-of-war. 

Contact for Past life regression therapy :m- 9872880634