Friday, July 26, 2013


To Identify Master
I am inside a monastery meditating. You are also sitting with me. Buddha is smiling, wearing golden violet robe.
Golden white cloth wrapped around his neck started moving and gradually floating in the hall and finally came around my neck and settled. My whole body is filling with golden white light. The whole place is flooded with golden light.
Guidance from Master:
Purpose of Life: “Tathast” (Balancing)
How to do it, guide her: she is already guided.
At what level? …………………………..
How old is she? Very very old.
Message to all: Live life in simple way. Be simple by thoughts and habits. Best things come in life in simple form. Live life by heart, not by mind. Physical appearances are our choice and can be affected by health in life. Taking care of physical health is important. Nature is best healer, so be close to nature and silently go in your inner journey.Soul is always pure when it comes to Earth.
 We received blessing in the end. Everything was filled with golden white light. Divine presence felt in the form of energy vibrations.