Saturday, February 1, 2014

DE-JA-VU ...The feeling as if its known to me...its root in past life and past life regression you find the answer....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist in Delhi., India ~World

what is de-ja-vu ???
Its a feeling that I have seen this city before ! I met him/ her before !
I feel so upset with this same issue !
 I feel happiness in doing this !!!
why I feel so sad at watching this movie, listening this song, or witnessing one particular situation ???
I fee ,i was here sometime ? but in this life  i never visited this place in this life !!!!
Oh this feeling  came to me always when Imeet this particular  person
This all sound familiar...good and bad comes into DE-JA-VU.
When you have this de-ja-vu go for past life regression..
You will travel to your past life related with this issue.....
And find the answer of the feeling of de-ja-vu....