Sunday, November 9, 2014

Past life regression helps to understand root cause of others point of view....dr.vandana raghuvanshi

Like water, which over a period of time freezes & takes the form of frozen ice cubes, when kept in an ice tray; perceptions of different things, people & events, inside our consciousness, which come onto the surface of our consciousness regularly i.e. we shape our thoughts, words & actions based on them, regularly, take the form of rigid perceptions over a period of time. These rigid or 'frozen perceptions', which sometimes never liquefy in our entire lifetime, are commonly called our beliefs, which can stick in our consciousness like ice cubes & be difficult to uproot at times. One of the greatest harms that holding to a set of beliefs does is, that it doesn't let us see from other peoples' point of view.After past life regression session one can understand others point of view.