Sunday, February 11, 2018

Past life does Teach...Read


I am 7, have brown hair and wearing a long white frock.  My mother (she is my mother in current life also) is leaving the city with my younger brother but left me behind. I am around 14 yrs., entering a nice & cozy white home. It has a green grass lawn. I am babysitting a 5 years old kid. I am very attached to that baby. It is evening. I leave the home as his parents have come. I reach an orphanage run by the Church. I stay here. I am the favourite of the nuns who run the orphanage.

There is a boy. I call him Benjamin. We are class mates in college. We are in love. We are around 21-22 yrs and get married. I am 26 my husband met with an accident. Benjamin is bed ridden. He cannot move as he has got paralyzed waist below after that accident. I love Benjamin. I work and happy taking care of him but he is very sad. His disability has taken a toll on him.

I am middle aged now. The age, the fact of being both the bread winner and the nurse of my husband is now showing on my face. I am no more the happy woman I was.

Benjamin and me are walking out of the hospital. He is cured and can walk now. I am so happy. [visibly smiling]. I felt that all the pain and suffering of those many years was worth it. 
I came home from work and saw Benjamin hanging from the ceiling. He left me alone despite all those years of untiring efforts put in by me. He had become too sadistic. He started to believe that he is worthless and he should not live anymore. I did not blame him but i felt so lonely.

I left that home and went back to the church. I too died soon after. I had sacrificed my life for my soul mate.

It is my grave. The stone reads “Anna who gave her life for love” (visibly started crying). The lesson learnt.....“Never love so immensely. Give the other one a chance to love and take care of you as much”